The Growth Company is establishing our People Services Partner Network. This will enable your organisation to be directly informed of any potential partnership opportunities where GC are bidding as a Prime Contractor for forthcoming opportunities (e.g. European Social Fund, National Citizen Service).

The GC People Service Partner Network will include opportunities to work with us to deliver:

  • Education and Skills
  • Employment
  • Advice and Guidance
  • Young People Services
  • Health Related Services
  • Other People Related Services

It is open to any organisation and is simple to join

We ask you to identify what kind of services you deliver and where you do it (or want to deliver in the future).  You will then be invited to submit proposals to work with us for any of these opportunities. We will also advertise our opportunities to ensure that our procurement processes remain open to potential new partners.{YOUR API ID}&app_key={YOUR API KEY}&results_per_page=20&what=javascript%20developer&content-type=application/json

How to Join?

It’s a simple three step process:


Stage 1

Simply register on our In-Tend system. You can register here by entering your basic company information which should only take 5-10 minutes. Please make sure you  complete all fields highlighted in yellow on the site. If you are already registered, then simply skip to the next stage.


Stage 2

The second stage is to complete our ‘People Services Partner Network Questionnaire’ which will be released via In-Tend. This is a tick box exercise to see what kind of opportunities your company would like to be invited to participate in. Once complete, organisations will  automatically progress to the partner network.


Stage 3

The final stage is the release of our potential  opportunities. This will ensure you are notified of any  potential opportunity with GC and will enable you to submit applications to be considered for partnerships for specific opportunities. You can choose whether your organisation would like to respond or not depending on your expertise and interests.

For more information, click here. 

If you have any questions relating to this process, please contact: